"30 Minute Oil Sketch"

24" X 18" Oil on Linen Sketch

I did this sketch in oils as a demonstration after a painting class I gave in my old hometown of Jerome, Idaho, many years ago.  One of the traits of beginning artists, I noted first in myself and later in others, is the fear  to commit and make that first move on the canvas.  Nothing to be afraid of folks.  It's oil paint guys, not the meaning of life.  I believe in doing something positive to get the ball rolling.  Then, everything seems to fall into place on the canvas by itself.  So I did a number of these sketches over the years to interested groups or at seminars.  My subject was people, or horses, or Buffalo, or complete scenes in thirty minutes and I talked the entire time.  The constant talking part was not difficult for me to do. 


Shutting me up was the hard part!



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