Larry Milligan,lbmilligan,Larry_B_Milligan,Redfish,Sawtooths,Stanley,Idaho,western_art,prints,native american,indian,mountain_men,trappers,old_west,art,paintings,idaho,pioneers,cowboys,Russell,Remington,masters






"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both" - Dwight D. Eisenhower







If you know the title of a painting, here is an alphabetized index that will help you find it.

Gallery 1 

64 Titles

Gallery 2

68 Titles

Gallery 3

64 Titles

Gallery 4

60 Titles

Who is this Guy? 

A few words about Indian Schools and our human relationship with Native Nations.


Some of the paintings included in this gallery can be obtained as prints. 

If you are interested, please contact me with a title and I will give you the particulars.

You may give me your comments or ask me a question by emailing this address:

Report any inoperable links or typos using the same address.

All images and content on this and linked pages are Copyright © 1994-2024