"Lewis and Clark on the Columbia - April 1806"

24" x 36' Oil on Linen

On their return from the Pacific, the expedition had but few bright episodes.  One such episode was the befriending of Captain Clark by the Walla Walla Chief Yelleppit.  The two Captains had previously met Yelleppit and the Walla Walla Nation on their Westward leg and the Chief had provided them with help and extracted the promise of a reunion upon their Eastward return through the Walla Walla Homeland.  They re-met on the banks of the Columbia where the Chief presented Clark with a white horse, a much needed animal just then.  Food was scarce and the Walla Walla also brought them salmon and dogs and firewood.  Clark presented the Chief with his personal sword, a brass kettle, and a Expedition trade medal.  The Chief ended up enticing them to stay with his people one more day and gave the Expedition more food, horses, canoes, and some very valuable information about their return route to the Nez Perce territories.  The Walla Walla then threw the Corps a going-away party with great feasting and a lot of drumming and dancing to the latest music available on the Columbia Plateau.

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