"Middle Fork"

9" x 12" Oil on Masonite Panel


This nation has had the opportunity to set aside from development or exploitation some of the most rare and beautiful parts of our landscape for the reasons that most people take for granted.  There are abundant numbers of developers and users who see nothing about the lands that does not translate into profits. By forsaking the reality of fragile environment and a finite tonnage or stumpage or usage envisioned in our lands before they are exhausted, they desire to remove from public ownership and transfer into private ownership most of the wild lands we hold in trust for future generations to enjoy, and gain inspiration from across many generations. While there have been lapses in our identifying and rescuing of these lands, far-seeing and responsible public leaders have, over the last century through today, set aside significant wild lands for our enjoyment forever in the form of National Monuments, National Parks, National Forest Preserves, National Recreation Areas and other memorable, sacred, or scenic lands held in perpetuity for the people.  I think it important that we remain vigilant and faithful to the principles surrounding the preservation of these special places. The Middle Fork of the Salmon River is such a place and is officially one of America's Wild Rivers.  The river is pristine and is, for the most part, unchanged by the heavy but fickle hand of mankind. It flows undamed and free through the Frank Church Wilderness of Central Idaho.  This painting was done for and presented, as a farewell gift, to a departing Forest Service Supervisor upon his reassignment.  Thank you, Jack!


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