"On the Snake - 1811"

20" x 30" Oil on Linen

In October 1811, an overland exploration and trapping party lead by Wilson Price Hunt entered what is now Idaho at the upper Snake River.  Tired of riding, they left their horses with the Shoshone near Henry's Fort and made dugout canoes from the large cottonwood trees in the area and began their descent of the heretofore unexplored Snake.  The floating expedition was plagued with problems most of the way downriver.  A particularly dangerous set of rapids and falls caused one of the dugouts to split on a large rock and tip over.  Everyone was dumped into the cold river.  Antonine Clappine who steered the boat was lost in the dark water.  Hunt named the area Cauldron Lynn.  Over a hundred years later, during a drawdown of the river, some of the debris from the accident was recovered at this very spot including traps and rifle barrels with locks.  It is still an impressive and dangerous stretch of rapids and treacherous waterfalls.

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