"Revenge Seekers - 1863"

18" x 36" Oil on Linen

During the summer of 1863, the Two Kettles band of Sioux approached a Riverboat named "The Robert Campbell" and demanded the rest of the treaty goods they had been shorted earlier. The goods aboard the boat at that time were intended for the Mandan so there was not much the captain could do.  That famous pilot, Joseph LaBarge, got a little skittery and cast off and headed away at full steam - upriver - in an attempt to escape. 


The Sioux were incensed and chased the boat for 600 miles keeping up a near constant battle. The crew was unable to get to shore and get wood so they burned a good portion of the wood wheelhouse and upper structure for fuel. There was an impasse at the mouth of the Yellowstone and help finally arrived for the steamboat.  The Sioux giving chase were driven off and the siege ended. The Sioux never did get their goods.


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